To create opportunities for artisan working in traditional crafts, which are becoming fewer and fewer every year, this is our mission.

With the cooperation of them, we produce fountain pens with creative and expressive designs based on traditional Japanese.

  • We have always been in a very good situation to know and work with skilled and forward-thinking craftsmen, and we are very appreciative of that.

    After years of working with them, we arrived at fountain pens as a place where we could fully utilize their skills.

    We believe that Urushi(lacquer) is the perfect material for fountain pens, as it is very comfortable in the hand. Find your favorite design and enjoy its touch and feel.




    • 万年筆、文房具の企画販売
    • 蒔絵ヴィンテージ万年筆の修理。
    • お客様お手持ちのペンのカスタムオーダー(蒔絵、津軽塗など)
    • 漆器製作および修理


    seY showroom (soporta)

    2-13-18 Sangenjaya Setagaya-ku 1540024 Tokyo
    e-mail :

     Please contact us in advance if you plan to visit us (irregular holidays).

    1540024 東京都世田谷区三軒茶屋2-13-18(駅徒歩1分。サーティーワン向かって左脇路地入って左側最初の店舗)
    予約制:ご来店の場合は事前にご連絡ください (不定休)。